Five At-Home Jobs So You Can Ditch the Cubicle Wall Lifestyle

Many of you have asked me how I made the move from corporate to country. How in the world can a family of four survive on one income?

I’ll be honest, it’s not easy.

BUT, there are other ways to earn an income without having to go to a 9 to 5 job. There are jobs you can accomplish right at home and be able to supplement your primary income. If you read my biography page, you will learn some more specifics about my supplemental streams of income.

When I first quit my corporate job, I started using my skills to benefit a variety of clients. The best part? I was my own boss! Freelance opportunities are everywhere especially since our world has become a global community with access to the internet.

I always say, “Thank goodness it’s a digital world!”

It’s true. If you have a computer and a vision, you can easily ditch that cubicle wall lifestyle and pursue your dreams of living.

Yes, I mean LIVING!

No one ever wrote a rule book saying that you must work for another persons dreams in order to “live”. In my opinion, going to a job so many days a week doesn’t allow you the option to enjoy the things you works so very hard for. You can live, survive, and thrive all while earning money with these at-home based jobs: FiveAtHomeJobs

  1. Blogger! If you have a story to tell, a mission to share or a vision of hosting your own brand online, start a blog. I’m on my third viral blog (you’re reading it right now) and it’s awesome. It does take time to earn money from your work, but it’s totally worth it. If you can’t take the leap to become a full-time blogger, still start now, adding content when you can, just so you can put yourself one step closer to your dream.
  2. eBook Author! I’ve written two short eBooks that I sell through my website and Amazon. I felt compelled to share my corporate to country journey in a format that could allow me a supplemental income. It’s a fun, creative and inspiring way to ditch that corporate job and be able to sit back, live and earn wages.
  3. Social Media Manager! There are so many businesses out there that need someone to manage their social sites. Since the job is all internet based, hiring a freelancer to get the job done is ideal for these businesses. It’s easy to learn and truly fun when you start getting traffic results. What a fun way to earn money!
  4. Virtual Assistant! Secretary, receptionist, data entry professional and more! These are all jobs you can do from the comfort of your home. If you are currently working in Corporate America, I guarantee you have the skills needed to complete these online positions daily task requirements. Finish your work early in the day and enjoy your home, family and life for the rest of it!
  5. Start Your Own Business! What skills do you currently utilize in your day to day job? Can you find an innovative way to use those skills and start your own business. My husband and I had a great combination of skills that allowed us to start our own businesses, giving us a bit of freedom in our way of living. I have a friend who quit her teaching career at a physical school to become a teacher that hosts curriculum online. She is able to earn an income, be home with her children and still use her skills for a passionate purpose.

If you are thinking of ditching your 9-5 job for a more lax home-based career but are struggling concluding what options lie ahead for you, feel free to contact me. My husband thinks I have a knack for helping people in this area. My career background is marketing. I still help small businesses brand themselves when time allows. I would be obliged to help you make your next steps to leave the grind.

I Have Challenged Myself To Face My Biggest Challenge

I recently challenged myself to do something I have never considered doing. I have asked myself to try and face my biggest challenge head on. I have asked myself to push myself to limits I am unsure I can reach. I have challenged myself to conquer a timeline embroidered with fear, personal exposure and endless embarrassment.

I have faith in me. I have always pushed myself to be the best version of me. I am already cheering myself on.

However, I fear this time I may have pushed myself beyond a comfort zone I never really wanted to cross.

After careful consideration and reflection on my mission with, I have accepted my hard-core challenge. If I can quit a full-time, high profile, high paying corporate job to move to the middle of the woods, flipping my life upside down, I can easily do what is being asked of myself.


Okay, here goes nothing. eyebrows

Folks, I need 100% of your support to get over an obnoxious bad habit I have had my ENTIRE LIFE.

It’s called Trichotillomania. It is an impulse control disorder. Basically, whenever I feel stressed or under pressure, I pull my eyebrows and eyelashes out. Trichotillomania effects people in many different ways. For me, whenever I feel the pressure of stress, I tend to pull tiny hairs out of my face.

I know. It sounds ridiculous because it is.

My family and friends have always pointed out missing hairs from my face. I have been made fun of many times, especially in high school which would lead to more hair pulling. When things have gone sour in any area of my life, I would literally pull my hair out. I have actually gone months with little to no eyebrows.

Over the years, I have really tried to control my bad habit. I would manage my stress as best I could, understanding the triggers for my hair pulling habit. Unfortunately, I would end up pulling hairs out in my sleep (stress sucks).

As I became older, I just started using a tweezers to pull out unwanted hairs, rather than my fingernails. Consequently, the shape of my eyebrows has changed drastically. In addition, my eyelashes would sometimes be missing patches that I had pulled in my sleep. The lash would curl because my fingernails which would lead me to pluck.  Plucking was a way to “save” my lashes and brows.

It’s never really worked well. I am now down to a thin amount of hair and I HATE IT!

I have challenged myself to let my lashes and brows grow for the next three months without shaping them or giving in to my impulse control disorder. Now is MY TIME.

Seriously, what better of a time than now for me? I live in the woods, secluded from the masses, no 9-5 job to “look good” for and a completely supportive husband that will love me no matter how foolish I may look.

So, why am I exposing my most personal challenge with the masses online when I can easily hide my problem?

Well, I have to. I believe my website, my blog and my personal experiences are meant to be shared with the world. My personal mission is to motivate others to be the best possible versions of themselves. If I can involve the masses with my hardest, most personal “problem”, prove to everyone that I can solve it and be pushed beyond my comfort zone limits, then I feel like I have done my job. If I can show the world that we are capable of facing our fears head on, pushing ourselves, envisioning a promising and happy future, and leading a life worth living, then I will leave this world happy.

Listen, we all have things that make us feel silly, small, stupid or not worthy. The biggest problem with these issues are that we are sometimes not willing to push ourselves to get over them. Moreover, we choose to deal with them for fear of embarrassment, or even worse, for fear that we will not receive the love and support we most certainly deserve.

So, here I go. Here and now, I begin my own personal challenge. I vow, for the next three months, to let my eyebrows and eyelashes grow without plucking or pulling them out. I will keep you updated with photos of my progress and a journal-like report of how my challenge is challenging me.

Wish me luck!

Update: 1 Week

Wow! What a week!

I managed to not touch my eyebrows AT ALL this past week. Let me tell you. It was definitely a challenge. I had to be so much more tapped into my personal feelings and aware of my hands reaching to pull out hair. I am proud to say that I overcame the hardest part of this journey…starting.

It seriously could not have been harder. Here are some things I endured this past week:

  1. My husband came down with the stomach flu ten minutes after I published the original blog post about my personal challenge.
  2. I got the bug the very next day, all day.
  3. My mortgage company contacted me to let me know our bill would be increasing to cover the costs of rising premiums for home insurance. My escrow needs to cover the insurance so my brain, and budget, was thrown into a vortex for a moment. I just hate receiving news that messes with my world. It’s one of those stressful events that triggers my hair pulling problem.
  4. Both kids are going through a crazy growth spurt which means all the food in the house is simply not enough. Grocery shopping trip had to be done. Not my idea of a good time.
  5. I never find myself interested in televisions shows, nor do we watch much t.v. at all. However, I have found myself addicted to The Bachelor this season. Chris Soules is a real farmer from Iowa and had me hooked right from the beginning. I’ve never watched this show before, but it consumed me. The last episode was this past week…he chose the girl I wanted for him. I caught myself reaching to pluck my eyebrows throughout the entire episode. I felt like a moron when I kept realizing that I was making these gestures about a crazy reality show. What the hell Jessie?!

These are only a few of the ridiculous events that stressed me to no end. Thankfully, I have a nice set of crazy hairs growing back in random places on my brow line. My lashes seem to itch more so I am wondering if new growth will be popping out soon.

After my week was up, I looked in the mirror and told myself I did a good job. It was crazy hard, but totally worth knowing my real eyebrows and lashes will be here soon. In fact, I gifted myself (and my family) six new chicks. We added them to our homestead yesterday. Check out my Facebook Page to see some pics the baby chicks.

Needless to say, I am proud of myself and ready to continue my hardest personal challenge!


Update: Week 3

Okay, things have slowed down in my household the last couple of weeks so stress is not my biggest challenge. I’m feeling wonderful now that the sun is shining more often.

My eyebrows are filling in sporadically. It has been YEARS since I have had this much hair hanging over my forehead. I am proud of leaving my hairs alone and growth is actually happening. However, I definitely feel awkward. There are many spots that still need to fill in. I am beginning to worry that I have killed the follicle and growth will cease to happen in these strange looking patches.

On the same front, my eyelashes also have a few missing patches where hairs are not growing. Luckily, they are small and the longer lashes surrounding the baron spots somewhat hide the problem.

Overall, I am just glad to feel more calm about and at ease about my trichotillomania impulses. I am also feeling slightly better about letting these emotions out the masses. I have had several emails and Facebook messages with encouraging words and outpouring of some others’ personal habits that they are now in the process of fighting. I am glad to have your support and be able to help where I can. Thank you.

Update: Week 7

Personal challenges need to be taken seriously if they are to be conquered. I have spent the last several weeks focusing on my personal challenge, really honing in on what makes me “tick”. My trichotillomania has had the best of me for years and years, but I refuse to let it consume me anymore.

Okay, for starters, I have stayed away from updating this particular blog so that I would have more content to write about. However, that is one of the single most annoying things that triggered my habitual impulses, making me want to pull my facial hairs right on out! I LOVE writing…I LOVE updating my readers…I LOVE spending time on my computer getting lost in the creative parts of my mind. Forcing myself to stay away from the blog was pure torture and made my achieving my goal of leaving my eyebrows alone turn into a real issue for me.

My eyebrows look pretty darn good (more of that to come). Unfortunately, my eyelashes took a major hit. I woke up one morning with a few patches on my right eyelid. I knew it going to bed too. I had this overwhelming feeling that I should hop onto the internet and do a little once-over on a rough draft. I didn’t and that feeling apparently got the best of me.

This speaks volumes to my frustrations, triggers and stressors. I have always been a working woman. I literally let it define who I am, and still do right here on this website I’ve made serious strides to free myself of the corporate lifestyle, but ditching the creativity in me altogether is pure insanity for me.

It sounds pathetic on paper and likely, as you are reading this, you have some slip-of-the-tongue names for me and my embarrassing trichotillomania issues.

I don’t care. I am trying to take care of this problem once and for all. This is how I feel it will work best for me.

Okay, so the good news on my eyebrows. They really do look good. I have left them alone for long enough that I felt I deserved a special plucking session to even things out. It didn’t take long to pluck the few unruly hairs and shape my new-found brows.

It feels great to ditch the eyebrow pencil for the most part.

Now, the last few weeks of my personal challenge will be spent focusing on filling in my missing l;ashes and finalizing the steps to breaking my bad hair-pulling habit. I am confident I can beat this thing head on now that I have spent some much needed time understanding my frustrations, triggers and stressors.

Update Week 12:

I did it!

I completed my goal…all twelve weeks. It was the single hardest thing I have ever purposely put myself through. The challenge, ultimately, was to overcome a 20-some year old habit of pulling my eyebrow and eyelash hair out whenever I felt pressure or stress.

With that challenge came so much more.

I discovered what actually stresses me out. Honestly, knowing what sets me off to secretly (and unconsciously) pull my hair, allows me more freedom from my internal demons AND gives me a chance to really love who I am.

See how a door to betterment happened for me?

Seriously though! I had to make myself work hard to not touch my face. There were times I failed. There were times I caught myself. There were times I prayed to get over it. The challenge was real. The struggle was real.

But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

If there is anything I can teach others from my own personal lessons gained here, it is this: Once you are able to recognize your faults, failures, ticks, stressors, pressure points and personal negative criticisms, you will be able to fall in love with yourself. What happens next is amazing. You will be free. You will feel like you can fly. You will put all those unnecessary things behind you, moving forward with only a positive light to guide you. You will LIVE!

Thank you to all of you who followed my challenge story. Thank you to those who reach out and communicated your support. Your kind words and caring spirits truly helped me push forward. I appreciate it.

I have chosen not to include a picture of my somewhat bushier, shapelier eyebrows and somewhat thicker eyelashes. This challenge was not about my end result of how I looked, but rather focusing on overcoming a bad habit, trichotillomania, and figuring out how to be in front of the problem so I can beat it before it beats me.





Am I Wrong for Believing I Can Achieve Anything?

Family and friends alike have called me crazy for quitting my job, becoming a stay-at-home mom and starting a completely new life from anyway I have ever lived before. AmIWrong

Homesteading IS a crazy way of living, right?

Maybe for some, but it is a lifestyle fit for my family. We have found our bliss.

If you have read some of my past blog posts, you would have come across how my husband and I changed our way of THINKING before we ever changed our address. In this particular post, I explain how you need to “speak easy”. Basically, it is extremely important to focus on how you speak about things, and experiences, in your life. Use positive words, affirmation and motivate your subconscious.

Positive thinking, manifestation, meditating and visualizing are not ideas you should throw to the wind. These rules to following the Laws of Attraction have worked for me and my family.

Whenever I feel stuck, like I am not on track with accomplishing goals or following my dreams, I know I need to switch my overall vibration. The best way for me to do this is to listen to powerful, motivational, inspirational music. In my “speak easy” post I reference my favorite band 311 and a song that helps me get back on track.

Recently, I came across a new song that has extremely profound lyrics, even though it is as simply put as possible. Check out this video I found with the lyrics posted as they are sung.


This song speaks to me. Am I wrong for thinking that I can do anything I want? That I can accomplish any goal I set for myself? That I am capable of ANYTHING?

The answer is no.

No, I am not crazy. I know that we have to visualize, compromise and make changes to open doors that were once walls, but all of my efforts are just pieces to my journey. Everyday I experience what I want by creating the life I dream about.

Maybe I am being wishy-washy and not making clear sense. Listen to that song again.

I choose to follow my own path, to break the rules of common society by quitting my traditional job, moving to the woods and having my hand at a completely new way of life. I am accomplishing things I never thought I would ever have the chance of experiencing. Life is good. Life is very, very good.

Now, do you want to “do like everyone else do”? Because “everyone else is doin’ what they all do.”

Be happy. Follow your dreams. You are not wrong believing you are pure potential and accomplishing whatever you set your mind to. Just follow your heart.

Don’t Let Society Force You To Not Chase Your Dream Life

QuitI finally am not afraid, nor do I hesitate, to tell people that it is 100% okay to not follow societies idea of being a contributing human being. I used to work hard at climbing the corporate ladder. Showing up to an extremely ruled-based environment with micromanagement, irritating dress codes and seemingly rude co-workers is officially not my definition of “the life”.

I always thought that working the 9-5 grind (which is really 6-10) was a normal way of living. That making money and spending my days with heartless strangers, working towards goals that were set for me instead of by me, was a completely acceptable way to live my most precious years. Seriously, I spent 15 years going to school to learn how to function in the corporate world, so that is obviously what we are SUPPOSED to do.


Oh friends, hear me loud and clear.


You are meant to do whatever makes you happy.

You can contribute to society and not work for others. You can be happy during the working shifts and not work for others. You can live a life that does not involve staring at cubicle walls.

You see, you need to change the way you view life, this world and our “normal” way of living. Change your perspective. Change your outlook. Focus on yourself, your dreams, your goals, your ambitions.

What makes YOU tick? Stop worrying so much about your boss. Trust me.

Find your bliss and realize that you are 100% pure potential and 100% capable of making the necessary changes to pursue your more meaningful life. Your dream life.

I came across this blog post with a video interview starring Joe Rogan and was relived to read that I am not alone in this way of thinking. I was incredibly impressed with his viewpoints and ability to verbalize my very thoughts. Please take a look at the video to begin the process of changing your way of thinking to begin your new way of living.

Ditch the cubicle life today!

My “No Poo” Experience

Okay. Alright. I am totally putting myself out there for this one. The picture alone tells so much about me and this story.

Yikes! No Poo

For my 2015 homesteading goals, I decided to go all in; to really take what I know about homesteading and actually practice it. My family and I started this new way of living a little over a year ago. Our first year was filled with firsts including our first summer of gardening, a full season of canning, and we even had a new baby. 2014 was a crazy, awesome learning experience jumping right into homesteading like we did. But I crave more!

Watch out 2015 because I am going all in!

I am going so far in that I am putting myself out there for it. Ha ha!

Homesteading has many attractive characteristics including striving for a healthy lifestyle and to saving on costs while doing so. A simple way to practice both of these traits is to quit your traditional, first world hygienic ways.

Say what?!

Ditch the store bought shampoo!

Shampoos and conditioners are known to strip our hair of the nutrients it needs. Not to mention, a “good” bottle of shampoo can strip our wallets too.

I am not suggesting you should stop showering. Simply replace your normal routine with this cost-effective, natural hair cleaning regimen. I did and I am so glad I tried it.

For the first week, I showered daily but only rinsed my hair with warm-to-hot water. I let it air dry. By the 6th day, my hair was ready for a good clean. All the natural oils finally came out of my scalp, making my hair feel healthy and strong but greasy. (See top picture). (Mustache is not real).

Instead of washing with my old shampoo, I simply added one tablespoon of baking soda to one cup of warm water. I squeezed the mixture onto my scalp and lathered like usual. I let it wash out with warm-to-hot water. I blew dry my hair this time. My hair felt amazingly clean and soft. (See bottom picture).

Many “no poo” recipes I have found say to use Apple Cider Vinegar as a conditioner, but I am not going to try that until my hair calls for a change.

There it is folks. My “no poo” experience thus far. The money I am saving is awesome. My hair feels great. I don’t feel guilty when I wash my kids hair with this new, natural way of cleaning. AND, I am evolving as a homesteader.

Be happy ya’ll!



Whew! Things are looking good now. My last five weeks of showering consistently, but only washing my hair about twice a week with my new regimen has done WONDERS on my hair.

I have always had kinky, wavy hair, but never truly embraced it. Sometimes I would wear my hair curly, but it was always loaded with product to make it look somewhat tame. For the last ten years, I have had very short hair to avoid having to style it. With cuts like shoulder-length asymmetrical bobs and pixie hair, my only real chore was to blow-dry and flat iron. My new lifestyle does not allow me the time, nor the need for fancy styled hair. HairUpdate1

My new “no poo” regimen is breaking my traditional styles. Removing the gunk from my scalp has brought life to my kinky waves. My hair is the longest it has been in ten year and the curliest I have seen it in my entire life. I am finally embracing the curl because it looks So. Damn. Good.

If you are looking to save cost on shampoos, change your way of cleaning hair AND finding your true, natural hair, you should try the no poo regimen. 1 tablespoon of baking soda to one cup of water is all it takes. Give yourself at least five weeks for your scalp and hair to change to its natural state.

Trust me. Your hair wants you to go NO POO!